
Message from ラッセル・エルワンガー — タワージャズ最高経営責任者& TPSCo会長


— T-チャールズ・ディケンズ作『クリスマス・キャロル』で、クリスマスの第二の幽霊がそのローブに隠れている二つのおぞましい人影について、スクルージの質問に答えるシーン。



目的に対し無知で理解不足であれば、ほぼ確実に、人生で「すべきこと」に一致していない「願望」や欲求を抱くことになります。 情報、知識、理解の間に大きな隔たりが存在すれば、個人としての敗北への道が待っています。知識を豊富に有し、その知識を理解と融合していけば、その分、より適切に推考し、過去、現在、将来を勘案して理にかなった決断を下すことができます。知識と理解があれば、人生の過程において必要とされ繰り返される細かな修正を評価して実行するために欠かせない手段や能力も得ることができます。


政治学教授であり、神学者でもあるNeal A. Maxwell氏は私たちの社会に関し、次のように適切に表しました。「これほどまで多くの者が権利について教え込まれてきた一方で、間違った行動などは存在しないと教えられている」 個人の願望が本来すべきことと大きく一致するとき、自己実現が可能になり、それは日々の行動で証明されます。自己実現ができるようになるまでのサイクルでは通常、信頼と愛情のある第三者(愛する配偶者や友人)からの意見が必要です。人は、自分の意図と行動が大きくかけ離れている場合があるので、第三者が鏡をかざしてやることで、意図を適切な行動にする助けになるのです。


「願望」、「すべきこと」、「現在」—この三つの領域が同時に大きく重なり合うと、企業は繁栄し始めます。 企業がビジョンなく進んでいく、ビジョンが市場ニーズに適合していない、またはビジョンがその行動にそぐわない場合、目的に対し無知であり、「破滅」がその額に記されています。 失敗するでしょう。目的を明確にし確認すれば、ミッション(願望)と価値(すべきこと)が確立され、促進されていきます。


当社はビジネスや業績のあらゆる側面にわたって、著しい成長を実現しました。これは頂点に向かって前進していることを示す明るい兆しだと考えています。当社の現在および将来における成功は、ひとえに皆さんのご意見、そしてそのご意見に迅速に対応する当社の能力にかかっています。当社は、皆さんのご意見を基に改善を要する分野を認識し、行動しています。 世界に先駆けるアナログファンドリの地位に当社を導いてくださった皆さんのご協力に感謝いたします。 当社は、「願望、すべきこと、現在」の状態を常に評価し続け、この3つの完全なる一致を目指し、行動していくことに邁進して参ります。

タワージャズ CEO 



Update from Dr. Avi Strum, Sr. VP and GM, CMOS Image Sensor Business Unit


マシンビジョン(産業用カメラ)センサ市場は、タワージャズがこの10年間にわたり尽力してきたCIS市場の一つです。今日、タワージャズはハイエンド・マシンビジョン市場においてピクセル技術の世界的リーダーとされています。マシンビジョンは非常に広範囲にわたり急成長をしている分野で、食品工業、製造ラインでの検査(例:液晶パネル検査)、ITC(intelligent traffic control、高度交通管制システム)のスピードカメラにまで利用されています。MarketsandMarketsの調査によると、マシンビジョン市場は2015年の80億8千万ドルから、2020年には125億ドルにまで成長し、その間のCAGR(年平均成長率)は9.1%になると予測されています。


タワージャズが開発してきたGSピクセルおよびピクセル技術は現在、e2v、On Semiconductor、CMOSISなど、グローバルシャッター機能を搭載した産業用ビジョン市場向けセンサの主要プロバイダーによって採用されています。さらに、ジェスチャーコントロールおよびジェスチャー認識センサ市場全体でもグローバルシャッター技術を必要としており、こうした用途がこの特定の市場セグメントの急成長を促進しています。



この新しいプラットフォームは既にお客様に設計していただける環境が整っており、2017年第1四半期には生産に向けた認証も完了する予定です。並行して、本技術をイスラエルのFab 2に移管し、お客様向けに大型センサ(スティッチング)やデュアルソーシング体制を整えていく予定です。どうぞご期待ください。


Dr. Assaf Lahav, Senior Principal Engineer, 





Second Quarter 2016 Financial Highlights


  • 売上は3億500万ドル(前年比29%増加、前四半期比10%増加)
  • 好調な2016年第3四半期売上見通し:3億2千500万ドル(前年比33%増加、前四半期比7%増加)


  • 純利益は、前年の800万ドルに対して3千800万ドル
  • EBITDAは過去最高の8千700万ドル(前年比48%増加)


  • 純負債を5千100万ドルに削減、年間EBITDA比率0.2倍
  • 現金および短期預金は3億1千100万ドルに増加
  • 株主資本は2015年12月31日時点の3億8千600万ドルに対して5億5千900万ドル


David Moss

HRマネジャー、タワージャズ テキサス社

今回は、タワージャズ テキサス社の人事マネジャー、David Moss氏のメッセージをお届けします。 David氏は、Overstock.comとBank of Americaで様々な人事ポジションを歴任した経験をもち、2014年1月に現職に就きました。


サンアントニオの西側に位置する147エーカーのタワージャズ テキサス社は、ライブオークの木に囲まれた美しい景観です。この工場では、約500人の従業員が働いており、車載用、コンシューマー、産業用市場向けに0.18ミクロン〜0.8μmのスペシャルティプロダクト(BCD)に特化しています。車載向けおよびモバイル向けのお客様に集中してきたことで、タワージャズ テキサス チームは品質と信頼性の高い製品をお届けする方法を知っています。

正式な業務移管以来、私たちは、新しいテクノロジーの認証や新しいお客様について理解するのに忙しくしてきました。私たちは、タワージャズの一員となったことに期待を持ちつつ、元の職場であるマキシム インテグレート社については、このような成長機会を与えてくれたことに感謝しています。これは、すでに従業員とサンアントニオの地域社会にとって大きな利益となっています。



TowerJazz & TPSCo 2016年テクニカル グローバル シンポジウム(TGS)








  • 8月24日 — 深セン(中国)
  • 9月 28 — サンノゼ(米国、カリフォルニア州)
  • 11月1日 — 東京(日本)

2016 TGS event sponsors include many of the leading EDA vendors and tool providers in the industry:

Empyrean TowerJazz PDK
synopsys logo


TowerJazz & TPSCo’s Participation in 1H 2016 Global Semiconductor Events

Showcasing our advanced technology offerings, world class design enablement services and multi-sourcing capabilities

Image Sensor | March 15-17, 2016 | London, UK

TowerJazz co-exhibited with TPSCo to showcase our CMOS image sensor (CIS) technology, meeting the demand for optical sensors used in consumer, industrial, medical and automotive applications. We demonstrated leading CIS technology for high-end cameras and are a proven leader in X-ray CIS technology with the largest market share. In addition, through TPSCo we provide our customers access to 65nm 1.12um pixel technologies for mobile and DSC applications.

Applied Power Electronics Conference (APEC) | March 20-24, 2016 | Long Beach, CA

We showcased the expansion of our advanced power technology for automotive applications such as our 60V 0.18um platform. Further expansion will continue in our 60V BCD 0.18um technology, including future development of our power SOI offering, allowing operation up to 200V. TowerJazz’s 0.18um power technology is qualified in TPSCo’s Japan fab, providing our customers with two sites and over 30 years of automotive IC manufacturing experience.

EDICon China | April 19-21, 2016 | Beijing

TowerJazz participated to increase awareness of our industry leading RF SOI technology as well as our world class design enablement services. Over 100 people visited the TowerJazz booth and attended a technical presentation, “RF SOI Process Innovations and Advanced Design Enablement” by Dr. Samir Chaudhry, Director of Design Enablement, TowerJazz.

ChipEx | May 8-9, 2016 | Tel Aviv, Israel

As the global specialty foundry leader headquartered in Israel, TowerJazz is highly involved in this conference. Our executives participated in two sessions: Dr. Efraim Aharoni (ESD Leader) presented a new method for simulation of ESD protection circuits containing snapback devices, and Dr. Eitan Shauly, (Director of Integration, MS/PM BU and R&D) presented TPSCo’s advanced 65nm mmWave RF CMOS platform for WiFi, Tx/Rx, cell phone, tuner and automotive markets.

International Microwave Symposium (IMS) | May 22-27, 2016 | San Francisco, CA

TowerJazz exhibited at IMS and highlighted our new RF technology capable of integrating a wireless front-end module (FEM) on a single chip, tailored to meet the requirements of IoT applications. The process enables integration of PAs, switches, and low noise amplifiers as well as CMOS digital and power control on a single die, providing cost, power, performance, and form factor benefits vs. competing solutions.

DAC | June 5-9, 2016 | Austin, TX

Hands-on training on TowerJazz’s PDKs and demos on reference flows were provided as well as technical presentations on Hierarchical p-cells at the Cadence® booth, RF SOI substrate extraction implementation in native Calibre® xRC at the Mentor Graphics booth, and an automotive focused mixed-model design flow at the Synopsys booth.


TowerJazz Sponsors Team from Israeli High School

Wins first place in Robot Performance category at FIRST LEGO LEAGUE competition in US!

The FIRST LEGO LEAGUE Arkansas Razorback Invitational USA was held on May 19-22, 2016 at the University of Arkansas. In the Robot Performance category, Team 498, ninth grade students from Katzir High School in Holon, Israel (sponsored by TowerJazz), won first place competing against 72 other teams from around the world! The team presented their research and excited the judges with their performance on stage. Their hard and dedicated work brought them eventually to this very special moment.

TowerJazz supports and sponsors a wide range of educational, social and community activities and programs, and this is the first time we sponsored a team for the FIRST LEGO LEAGUE.


Tomorrow’s innovators practice imaginative thinking and teamwork. Guided by adult coaches, FIRST LEGO LEAGUE teams research a real-world problem such as food safety, recycling, energy, etc., and are challenged to develop a solution. They also must design, build, and program a robot using LEGO MINDSTORMS® technology, then compete on a table-top playing field.

It all adds up to tons of fun while they learn to apply science, technology, engineering, and math concepts (STEM), plus a big dose of imagination, to solve a problem. Along their discovery journey, they develop critical thinking and team-building skills, basic STEM applications, and even presentation skills, as they must present their solutions with a dash of creativity to judges. They also practice the Program’s signature Core Values. For more information, please visit: www.firstlegoleague.org/.

Congratulations to team 498!!!

Mountain to Valley Relay 2016

Mountain to Valley Relay is a 215 km long-distance running race combining personal challenges with team comradeship, day and night running in rural areas, from Northern Israel to the Yizrael Valley.

This is the third year TowerJazz teams in Migdal Ha’emek (Israel) have joined the Mountain to Valley Relay annual race held in Northern Israel. The race combines personal athletic experience, group collaboration, and running in open spaces along 215 kilometers (approx. 133 miles) in about 24 hours. The race is divided into 24 legs, which are between 5-14 km in length (approx. 3-8 miles). The relay crosses the most beautiful regions of Israel, passing through rural areas and communities that reflect the multicultural richness of Israel. Nearly 9,000 runners participated in the event.

This year, three teams represented TowerJazz and included a mix of managers and personnel, including both men and women. In the three groups of eight people each, the runners started the race together on Thursday, May 19 at 7:00am and finished the race together on Friday, May 20 at 9:00am.

It was a great experience for the teams who suffered some injuries and tiredness, but also a lot of joy and happiness, demonstrating our employees’ high ambition, dedication and motivation.


Mr. Yuval Kariv

Integration Director, Transfer Optimization and development Process Services (TOPs) Business Unit, Assigned to TPSCo

Yuval Kariv joined TowerJazz in 1999 as a process engineering student working with the diffusion/implant team in Migdal Haemek, Israel (Fab1). He has held process engineering, R&D process/integration and section head positions prior to his assignment to TPSCo.

Q: Please tell us about your position, focus areas, etc.

A: I’ve been assigned to TowerJazz Japan/TPSCo since January 2013 as General Manager of the Related Device Technology team, managing the TOPS product line technology transfer activities into the TPSCo fabs. My team consists of project managers and integrators, and works very closely with the sales, customer support, fab process engineering and operation teams.

Our projects are running at the Tonami and Arai facilities, and we are looking forward to starting new projects in Uozu (300mm) as well.

We are focusing on maximizing manufacturing volumes and revenue while keeping our customers satisfied throughout the whole transfer process into the mass production phase.

Q: What do you enjoy about your position and what challenges you?

A: In a nutshell, it’s never boring. I’m standing on the front line interfacing with the customers, from first engagement to process transfer, qualification, and ramping to mass production.

I enjoy working with various customers from the US, Europe and the Far East — each with a different process, mode of work, mentality, and culture. Obviously, this position requires working in three time zones, which makes it challenging. In addition to this, working in Japan is challenging in many aspects such as the culture and language gap as well as the different ways of analyzing situations.

I have found that TPSCo employees are professional, experienced and friendly people with a wide background of knowledge from their IDM Panasonic past. It is a real pleasure working with such dedicated people.

Q: What is your focus this year from a business standpoint?

A: I help to achieve the company’s revenues and goals, by efficient and accurate transfers and successful ramps to production. We are continuously working to improve customer satisfaction while ramping rapidly to high volume production.

Q: What are some of your hobbies?

A: I enjoy running, it’s a very good way to have some quality thinking time, without cell phones or emails. I like nature, and enjoy outdoor activities such as cycling and hiking.

Q: What is your favorite travel destination?

A: This is a difficult question. Living in the Far East gives me the opportunity to visit exotic places.

New Zealand is my favorite, but Angkor Wat (Cambodia) is a close second, and many years ago I visited Myanmar (also known as Burma), which is unforgettable. Tourist destinations in Japan are very enjoyable too.


> All Press Releases


TowerJazz to Mass Produce MEMS Loudspeakers for Audio Pixels

Pure-play Israeli foundry TowerJazz has signed on to build a line of first-generation microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)-based loudspeaker semiconductors for Audio Pixels Ltd. The loudspeaker chips will introduce a new generation of sound performance and design demands for devices being built for the consumer electronics, industrial and medical markets, Audio Pixels says.

The company says it chose TowerJazz because of its MEMS manufacturing technology, including its particle-free, deep silicon etch technology and thick films with controlled low stress.

TowerJazz Extends its Partnership with JA Mitsui to Drive its Recently Acquired San Antonio Fab Growth and Ramp-Up Plans

TowerJazz announced it has extended its long term global business partnership with JA Mitsui, a leading financial and banking institution, with whom the company has an established relationship in Japan through its TPSCo Japanese affiliate. The agreement provides the Company with up to $40 million of an asset based loan, which will carry annual interest of Libor+2.0%, mature between 2019 and 2022 and be used to support San Antonio fab growth and ramp-up plans, including cross qualification activities to address the Company’s excess customer demand in its other worldwide fabs.

Waiting For 5G Technology

New wireless standard will significantly speed up communication, but dealing with mmWave technology isn’t going to be simple.

Generally, phased-array devices are made using various processes, but many of today’s devices are based on standard CMOS and silicon-germanium (SiGe). “SiGe technology has already been proven for mmWave phased-array/active antenna applications,” said Amol Kalburge, senior director of strategic marketing at TowerJazz, a specialty foundry vendor.

“Additionally, SiGe enables integration with advanced CMOS and on-chip passives, thus providing area efficient system-on-chip integration capability and a cost/performance tradeoff,” Kalburge said. “We believe that SiGe will play a key enabling role in 5G front-end ICs, and will coexist with other III-V technologies.

TowerJazz begins mass production of integrated SiGe-based ‘front-end module on a chip’ RF platform tailored for the IoT

Specialty foundry TowerJazz has announced volume production of a new RF technology capable of integrating a wireless front-end module (FEM) on a single chip, tailored to meet Internet of Things (IoT) applications.

The TowerJazz process enables integration of power amplifiers (PAs), switches, and low-noise amplifiers as well as CMOS digital and power control on a single die. TowerJazz is delivering this product now for smartphones, tablets and wearables, and the technology also meets the more universal requirements of IoT applications by providing cost, power, performance and form-factor benefits versus competing solutions.

As an example, TowerJazz has partnered with Skyworks to deliver a first-of-its-kind integrated wireless FEM using this technology. “We are pleased that our long partnership with TowerJazz on SiGe BiCMOS for PA-based products is now in volume production for key customers of Skyworks,” says Bill Vaillancourt, general manager & VP Skyworks Connectivity Solutions.

TowerJazz announces its SiGe Terabit Platform enabling high-speed wireline communications

TowerJazz announced its SiGe Terabit Platform targeting high-speed wireline communications for the terabit age. Wireline data traffic is increasing dramatically, with traffic at Google famously increasing by 50 times over the last six to seven years, or at 75 percent per year. Estimates vary, but experts agree on double digit CAGRs and a 2020 market for high speed optical components in excess of $9 billion.

TowerJazz addresses this market through a family of customized foundry silicon-germanium (SiGe) BiCMOS technologies and is announcing availability of its highest performance process to date: S4. TowerJazz customers include the who’s-who for components that carry the world’s high-speed data traffic such as: Broadcom, Inphi, MACOM, Maxim, Maxlinear and Semtech, among others.

3Peak sees chip output jump on deal with Israel’s TowerJazz

Chinese chipmaker 3Peak expects a sharp increase in integrated circuit (IC) shipments this year due as it expands its manufacturing output to a plant in Japan through an extension of its collaboration with Israel’s TowerJazz. 3Peak’s products are currently solely produced at TowerJazz’s 200mm fab in Israel and are now starting to also be made at the TowerJazz Panasonic Semiconductor fab in Japan.

“In 2015, 3PEAK’s IC shipments increased 35 percent compared with 2014. With dual sourcing capabilities, we expect to have an increase of 200 percent in 2016,” Joe Zhou, Chief Executive of 3Peak, said in a statement on Wednesday.